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General Rules :


  • All the students are required to attend lessons on moral principles and good conduct. Catechism classes are held for the Catholic students.


  • Discipline: Special attention is given to ensure high standard of morality and discipline in the School. Guardians are requested to collaborate in this with the Authorities of the School by insisting on the regular attendance and punctuality of their wards. They must reach the school at least 15 minutes before the school begins. In case they are late, students/parents must enter in the School Diary  the reason why they are late and get it signed by the Vice-Principal or Principal. When absent, parents’ letter is obligatory for admission to the class. Periodical progress reports will keep parents informed of the progress of their wards. These reports are to be signed and received by the parents or guardians on the specified days.


  • Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience, bad conduct or sickness liable to be injurious to other boys/girls justify dismissal. Parents should ensure that their child is healthy to come to school.


  • School hours: Ordinary  7.40 am to 1:30 pm. Summer 6.45 am to 12.30  am. Winter 8.40 am to 2.30 pm.


  • Students have to address their teachers and all members of the staff, teaching and non-teaching, with due respect and politeness. On their way to and from the school they are expected to behave in a gentlemanly manner with due honour to the name of the school.


  • Boys and girls who have been absent from class must have the reason for their absence briefly noted in their “Regularity Record”. Reasons of a private nature may be intimated by a letter. Birthday, excursions, urgent business etc., are not sufficient reasons. Absence from school in order to

  • study is not allowed. No leave of absence is given without a prior application in writing from the guardian.


  • Boys/girls must be punctual for class. To be admitted to the class room, those who have been absent and late-comers must show their teacher their “Regularity Record” duly countersigned by the Assistant/Vice Principal.


  • During the School hours no boy/girl is allowed to leave the School premises without a written request from his guardian and due authorization by the Principal/Asst. Principal/Vice Principal.


  • Tiffin is to be sent with the students as they come to school.


  • No books, periodicals or newspapers of an objectionable nature and CD, DVD cassettes shall be brought into the school. All books for private reading must be submitted to the Assistant/Vice Principal for approval.


  • Pupils are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings. Each article should be marked with the pupil’s name.


  • Fancy items, ornaments and electronic gadgets (Cell phones, Cameras, Walkman, Radio, and Watches with alarm/music) and other similar items, Memory Cards, Pen drives, Chips and stylish haircuts are not permitted. Students are not allowed to bring two wheeler to school.


  • Any damage done to the school property should be made good by the pupil concerned.


  • Parents and guardians are not allowed to see their children or interview teachers during school hours.


  • No fines of any kind or collections for any purpose whatsoever may be made without the Principal’s prior permission or approval and due notice to parents.


  • Every boy/girl attending school is obliged to take part in the choral singing, drill, games, and all the school activities.


  • If a pupil fails to reach regularly the minimum marks for a pass in all subjects or fails to keep the moral conduct and behavior he/she is expected of, any concession that he/she enjoys may be cancelled.


  • The periodic assessments held during the year are notified in the School Calendar.​


  • School is not responsible for any accident or misbehaviour or tragedy that happens outside the school or in the school after school hours. Parents must keep a watchful eye on their children on the way to and from School.


  • Any parent bringing unauthorized persons to school to meet the Principal or to register a complaint or misbehave with or disrespect any staff member will be treated as a serious fault and will have to bear the consequence of the dismissal of their ward.


  • In all matters regarding promotion the Principal’s decision is final.



Important Note to Parents/ Guardians


Parents and guardians are requested to co-operate with the School authorities.


  • By urging their wards to be regular and punctual in attendance.


  • By not allowing teachers of this school to give private Tuition to their wards. Students are strictly not allowed to take private tuition outside the school from the teachers of  Don Bosco School, Purnea.


  • By seeing that their wards are diligent at their written assignments and lessons.


  • By insisting on neatness and cleanliness in their school dress, textbooks, exercise books and personal appearance


  • By occasionally interviewing the Principal to discuss the progress of their wards.


  • By collecting the result of their ward on the scheduled day after every terminal examination. Those who fail to procure it on the scheduled day will have to pay a fine of Rs. 200 and collect it within a week from the respective Class Teacher immediately after the school hours.  Defaulters will not be allowed to sit in the class until parents meet the Principal after paying a fine of Rs.500.



Parents of the primary students can meet the teachers to discuss their son/daughter’s performance in school according to the following schedule on prior intimation through their sons/daughters.


Classes 1 & 2 on 1st, 2nd and 3rd Fridays of the month respectively from 12:10 pm to 12:50 p.m.


Classes 3, 4 & 5 on 2nd, 3rd and 4th Thursday of the month respectively from 12:10 pm to 12:50 p.m.


Classes 6 – 8: On other working days between 12:10 pm to 12:50 p.m.


 Admittance into the school premises is at the sole discretion of the school authorities. The School authorities therefore reserve to themselves the right to refuse admission to any one without assigning any reason whatsoever.


Ordinarily communications with parents/guardians are made through the school diary. Parents/guardians are requested to go through the school diary and to sign the remarks, comments made by the Principal/Vice-Principal/Teachers. All communication should be addressed to the Principal.


School is not responsible for any accident or misbehaviour or tragedy that happens outside the school or in the school after school hours. Parents must keep a watchful eye on their children on the way to and from School.


Any parent bringing unauthorised persons to school to meet the Principal or to register a complaint or misbehave with or disrespect any staff member will be treated as a serious fault and will have to bear the consequence of the dismissal of their ward.


Telephone Calls: During the class hour students will not be called to attend Telephone calls from the class. Messages may be given to the Receptionist/Asst. Principal who will communicate it to the student concerned. All telephone calls with regard to school matters be limited to the school hours, that is, from 7:40 am to 1:30 p.m. on week days. Use of mobile phones for students is not allowed in the school premise. Hence it is prohibited to bring mobile phones to school by the students.


 Sickness: In case a child falls sick or gets injured by accident in the school premise, the school authority will refer the child to the nearest doctor/clinic or hospital. The parents will be informed at the earliest by phone or personal visit by a delegated person. All the expenses (doctor's fee, medicine etc.) are to be met by the parents of the concerned child.



Regularity Record


Staying away from school without leave is not tolerated except when the cause is sudden illness or unforeseen circumstance. No leave of absence is given nor is a boy or a girl is allowed to go away from school during school hours without previous written application from the guardian stating the reason which must be serious one. Such reasons as birthday, excursions, time to study for an examination are not considered sufficient. Whenever leave has been sanctioned, the fact should be recorded in the Regularity Record.


After an absence from class, boys/girls must bring the reasons duly entered in the “Regularity Record” stating the cause of the absence or delay. (Reasons of a private nature may be submitted in a letter). Boys/girls who have been absent for three days or more due to illness will submit also a medical certificate. Parents should give a prior intimation to the school on the 3rd day of their wards absence if he/she is likely to be absent for a longer duration. The School declines all responsibility if through failure to produce this or due to indiscipline a boy or a girl is obliged to return home during school hours.


Names of pupils who have been absent from school for a period of over 15 days without permission are liable to be struck off the rolls and may not be readmitted.


To be admitted to the classroom those who have been absent and late-comers must show the teacher in charge the Regularity Record duly countersigned by the Asst./Vice Principal.


The school declines all responsibility, also if any student does  harm to himself/herself or others due to temporary psychosomatic disorder or going into areas of the school, like the terraces etc., where he/she is not allowed.


Library Rules


   We have a well equipped library and laboratories in the school for the use of students. A library and laboratory fee is charged annually for the up-dating of library books and laboratory expenses.

  • Strict silence should be observed by all inside and near the Library.

  • All articles not pertaining to the Library should be kept outside.

  • No boy/girl should enter the Library without his/her Library card.

  • Only one book will be issued per card and no boy/girl may take a book on another's card.


Office Hours:

School Office will be kept open from 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 pm. The Principal and the Asst. /Vice Principal can be interviewed between 9:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. or prior appointment.


N.B. No school business will be transacted during holidays


About DBS


John Bosco was born in the little hamlet of Becchi some 20 kms. from Turin, Itlay. His father, Francis Bosco, was a hard working peasant who died when John was only 2 years old. The grief stricken words of his mother, telling him that he was now fatherless remained deeply impressed in the child’s mind, and perhaps helped to ..

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